Thursday, October 1, 2009

Back again

First off I apologize for the lack of updates. My host brother's internet isnt working all too well lately. I'm using a school computer right now. Mostly everyone is in the Mosque. Prayer will be over soon though and school will be out for the day. This will probably be short.
I have alot of catching up. There was Lebaran, then the first few days of school.
Lebaran. Breaking the fast. The after Ramadhan celebration. Everyone goes home or "pulang" (go home/back). Everyone is on the road with their families trying to get places. And when that happens hundreds of people die in traffic accidents. They do. a tally is recorded every year. I forgot the final amount but its at least 300. I suppose its a good time not to be on the road. Which I wasn't. I stayed in Bogor. My family is from Bogor, well at least my host mom. All her family is here. My host dad's family is from Sumatra but I guess we will visit them some other time. We did go to Jakarta for a couple days and meet up with Dini my host sister who goes to school in Solo central Java. It was awkward at first. But then jokes, funny incidents like Dimas accidentally breaking the handle of Dini's suitcase broke the ice. It was fun having a new face around. Only around for three days though. She flew home the day me Dimas and his uncle's family went camping up on some mountain (I forget the name). I guess it is a park but not a typical park you would find in the U.S. People are everywhere, along with trash. Not really the get in touch with nature kind of deal. Though the roads are pretty rugged. Imagine one of those cartoons of a car putting down a road bouncing along. Well it was like that, the car actually bounced, two wheels off the ground as us and the machine drove over yet another protruding rock. Quite the adventure. Quite the get togeather. There was a whole new set of faces waiting for us up at the campsite. I had never seen any of them before and I am still now not sure what their relationship was to Dimas's uncle. Probably family and family friends. I wasn't sure. It was fun. But more on that later. I have to go. School is out.

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