Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mac D? At school?

The last day of school for two weeks was on Saturday. Normally YPHB doesn't have school on Saturday's but this was special. We started late, round 9:00 I think, and then hung around watching speakers and more videos. They also announced which groups of students had won all these contests for various things like best song, speech, music prayer. Stuff along those lines. Some friends of mine won which was fun. A lot of cheering and whooping from our end of the room. I also went to go see all the King and Queen of Bogor competitors give their speeches. It's Bogor's version of Mr & Mrs Universe. Does such a thing exist? I think it does. Anyway, you get the idea. Some of the kids competing were from YPHB so we went to cheer them on. It was fun, causing a raucous but in a good way. There were some other kids there that I knew. They are from my school but because they were working on organizing the event they didn't come today. They are pretty cool those kids. Most of them can't speak very good English so it's a fun challenge talking with them. I'll ask a question in Bahasa and they will respond and I will try to understand. I get the general idea. Most of the time. Haha.
The language is coming along. At this point I can understand more than I can say. Bits of a conversation between my host family finally makes sense! I looked back over my journal the other day and found a list of vocab words that I had written to remember. They all seemed so basic and fundamental. I felt a little sense of accomplishment.
Anyways, we stayed at the school till buka puasa. And guess what they served us at school? Some good American food. Mac D. Well actually it isn't all that American. they serve rice and chicken mostly instead of the beefy burgers we are used to. Imagine that. enough Mac D to feed the entire school. that's alot of the stuff. after that everyone cruised outta there. school is out, for two weeks. whoop! but you already knew that. me and Dimas went home after that. gave another kid a ride home. I've forgotten his name though. That happens too much. Me forgetting names and everything.
I felt pretty sick on Sunday morning. I woke up and knew before I even tried to stand up that I was gonna puke. Which I did. and i did for the whole rest of the day (I apologize for the lack of proper capitalization of letters and stuff. the keyboard's shift key don't work too well). it was a blur of sleeping, puking, sipping on tea and my host dad telling me not to push myself. the next day i was better. Apparently it had been from me not eating enough and then eating alot. I guess my stomach doesn't like the fasting schedule too much. Or maybe I didn't drink enough. Who knows? Anyways Im fine now. Though I would like to get out of the house tomorrow. I have been resting and getting 100 % better again inside and the only time I went out was to buy a movie, some coffee and a bottle of water. Mostly cuz I was restless. It was nice, walking around my neighborhood to get to the store. The security guards are friendly, as well as these funny men who were sitting on the side of the road. As I walked back from the store one of them began talking to me in Indonesian. I found I understood him and we had a very short brief in-motion conversation about where I cam from and where I lived in Yasmin. I like it here. Indonesia. I like it.

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